Theatre 1:
You will learn fundamental acting skills and performance techniques, including improv, playwriting, voice, and movement. You will also begin togain an appreciation for theatre as a serious discipline. You will cultivate your skills in preparing yourself to perform, with an emphasis on collaboration and connection with the other people on stage. You will also be exposed to various theatre literatures and will learn an approach to script and character analysis.
But what do we DO?
Well, you can check out the syllabus here, or you can look at the class calendar here.
However, in essence, in Theatre 1, we are going to create a short play to be performed as our final! And, as we work towards that moment, we are going to learn all sorts of things about theatre, performing, design, creativity, humanity, love, and fun and more!
Instructional Expectations:
This class is about Effort! Your success in this class directly depends on how hard you try and how much you contribute to the class projects. Since, theatre is both an individual and team effort you will be expected to be very self-motivated and a productive member of an Ensemble. Since the ultimate goal of any acting class is to perform there will be mandatory performances.
It is crucial that you use your class time effectively, whether you are workshopping, during lectures, or during any specific classroom tasks. You will be expected to work in a productive manner, whether by yourself or with partners. Regardless of whom you are working with at the time, you will need to participate with a positive attitude and demonstrate an active desire to learn to achieve utmost success.
Finally, remember that theatre is a collaborative effort - any malfunction on your part DIRECTLY affects the other people in class. Please support each other by trying your hardest.
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